Our Story

Since the turn of the century, from our beginnings as a small Baptist Sunday School ministry, we've been reaching out to and connecting with the people and families of Jefferson Hills.  Now, over a century later, the communities within Jefferson Hills have changed immensely but God's love for people has not.  He is the God of workplaces and gyms, college campuses and high school hallways, big neighborhoods with big families, and small communities with huge dreams. He is a loving and compassionate God who wants good things for us - to see us find true happiness in an existence that includes Him.  At CrossRoads we want to be a part of making that happen. 

Our Staff

Our staff and team leaders are comprised of people who love God, this community, and the city of Pittsburgh and who would love to hear from and connect with you.  Feel free to call our church office (412) 384 - 9278 or you can also email our church office at info@crossroadsofjeffersonhills.com

  • Floyd grew up in New York City and served 12 years in the United States Army.  He then worked in the field of telecommunications and consulted with the government whilst serving as a teaching pastor in Northern Virginia before moving to Pittsburgh to pastor CrossRoads Community Church.  He has authored 5 books with his latest series of books committed to equipping families to share the Gospel. He has co-authored two books, 'Unwrapping Christ at Christmas' and 'Faith Responders Presents 21 Days of Spiritual Renewal.'  Although a geek at heart he has a passion for sharing the Word of God.

  •  Mark Berkshire - Teaching Pastor


    Mark has been involved in ministry for almost 40 years. He has ministered in youth groups, in nursing homes, and has been the lead pastor of congregations. He has co-authored two books, 'Unwrapping Christ at Christmas' and 'Faith Responders Presents 21 Days of Spiritual Renewal.'  He and Dawn have been married for 20 years and have a heart for teaching others about the Bible and about the persecuted Church.

  • Gary Slonaker - Community Impact Team Leader

    Gary has attended CrossRoads since he was a child when it was Beulah Baptist Church.  He has a love for the community and for the people of Jefferson Hills.  As Community Impact Team Leader he finds ways for the people of CrossRoads to minister to the people and families of Jefferson Hills and surrounding areas.

  • Bonnie White - Children's Ministry Team Leader

    Bonnie is a native Pittsburgh'er who has a passion for families and community.  As team leader for the Children's Ministry she establishes the Bible based curriculum and activities for the children of CrossRoads. 

Our Mission and Vision

Our mission is to "BE" the Church: to share the love of Christ, to show the love of Christ to others by the way we treat others, and to invite people to be recipients of God's love.

Our vision is that as we fulfill our mission we will create places in our homes, schools, communities, and wherever we do life, where people can experience the God of the Bible regardless of race, religious denomination, political affiliation, or financial situation in Jefferson Hills, the Mon Valley, the City of Pittsburgh and beyond.

Our Values

At CrossRoads Community Church we believe it is important to not just "talk" about being the Church but to actively "engage" in being the Church. We believe that it is important that we have a set of values that we live out and that reflect our love of our God and our community. Our Values are

-Authentic Community - being real with each other and being there for each other

-Extreme Generosity - blessing others out of the blessing that God poured out on us: our time, our talents, and our treasure

-Passionate Spirituality - living prayerful committed lives with joyful and enthusiastic faith.

These values are based on our belief that God is available to people of every race, creed, and color; that He is infinite, all powerful, and all knowing; that His Son Jesus Christ, fully God and fully man, died for the sins of all humanity; that the Holy Spirit of the Living God dwells in all believers; that heaven and hell are real; that death is not the end; and that the Church is to serve people like Jesus served people.